Through our Annual Conference, CFWLA aims to help transform participants to then transform culture through a day-long gathering that provides practical insights into the ways the gospel of Jesus Christ informs and provides hope for the work we engage with daily. This gathering is scheduled annually and organized by CFWLA. By reframing our vocations to see them as the primary way each of us expresses God’s glory and participates in fulfilling the Creation Mandate, we are provided with renewed vision and energy for our work.
In today’s interconnected world, business touches every industry and aspect of life. Conversations about resources, supply chains, and the economy dominate our daily lives, often leaving us feeling overwhelmed and uncertain. Yet, God calls us to live with a spirit of power, love, and discipline—not fear (2 Timothy 1:7).
This year’s Annual Faith + Work Conference Called: Pursuing God’s Purpose for Your Work will challenge common myths about our God-given callings and reestablish the foundational priorities that inform these callings.
At this year’s Annual Faith + Work Conference, Labor as Liturgy, we will gather as God’s people to explore how our labor can be transformed and integrated into our liturgies of worship both on Sunday mornings and Monday through Friday.
At this year’s CFWLA annual conference, Meaningful Work in an Age of Disruption, we will gather as God’s people and journey to explore what makes work matter and how to cultivate practical ways of experiencing God regularly through our work.
This year our 2021 Fatih + Work Conference is a virtual three-part event series exploring how technology is shaping our world and how believers are called to respond.
What does it look like to embody a faithful presence in your work? This originally served as the thematic question for the Center for Faith + Work Los Angeles' 2020 Annual Faith + Work Conference, a three-part lunchtime event series featuring Virtual Faith + Work Conversations with Doug McKelvey, Scott Rae, Missy Wallace, and Chris Neal.
When we close the gap between our lives of faith and our daily work, we begin to see work as a gift from God to be used as a vehicle for blessing. This topic was brought to bear at CFWLA’s third annual conference by keynote Amy Sherman and many other thought-leaders in the faith and work space.
CFWLA’s second annual Annual Conference features a glimpse into integrating faith and work in the context of Los Angeles with guest speakers Henry Kaestner, Art Lindsley, R. Paul Stevens, and many more.
The broad consensus was that the event was a big winner. Steve Lindsey, David Kim, a group of panelists, and others shared and explored the need to integrate faith and work in Los Angeles.