The Faith + Work LA Podcast is a production from the Center for Faith and Work Los Angeles that aims to tell the stories of everyday workers leveraging their daily work and Christian faith to seek renewal and restoration in their vocational sphere.
As we look forward to our Annual Faith + Work Conference: Meaningful Work in an Age of Disruption this Saturday, April 2, 2022, the Center for Faith + Work Los Angeles is proud to present Part 2 of the conversation with one of our thoughtful speakers, Michaela O'Donnell. Michaela is Executive Director of the Max De Pree Center for Leadership at Fuller Seminary and will be talking with our own Robert Covolo, Director of Vocational Discipleship at CFWLA.
In this episode, they discuss the way work forms us + seeing the fruit in our work, the importance of relationships and people in all types of work, the problem of "pursuing our passions" and the role ambiguity plays in vocation.
As we anticipate our Annual Faith + Work Conference: Meaningful Work in an Age of Disruption on April 2, 2022, the Center for Faith + Work Los Angeles is proud to present this two-part conversation with one of our esteemed speakers, Michaela O'Donnell. Michaela is Executive Director of the Max De Pree Center for Leadership at Fuller Seminary and will talking with our own Robert Covolo, Director of Vocational Discipleship at CFWLA.
In this episode, they discuss the road that brought Michaela where she is today—from her inclination to entrepreneurship, to the challenges she's faced in her career. Michaela and Robert will also explore the need for creativity, flexibility and lamentation in all believers' vocations.
As a follow-up to his three-part blog series, Robert Covolo sits down for a conversation with Matthew Kaemingk & Cory B. Wilson, authors of the new book Work and Worship: Reconnecting Our Labor and Liturgy. In this episode, they discuss how and why the book came together, the intersection of work + worship, what we can learn from the Old Testament and the early church on the relationship between work + worship, and how to best respond in our lives today.
In this episode of the CFWLA Podcast. Mishal shares about her own entry into the political landscape, remembers a professor who reshaped the arc of her career, and outlines why curiosity can be the cure to cynicism in our current political landscape.
In this episode of the CFWLA Podcast, Courtney chronicles her inspiration for work in the higher-education space, speaks on the piety that accompanies a robust theology of work, and unpacks the challenges educators face in this cultural moment.
In this episode of the CFWLA Podcast, Sophia shares about the folly of her career drivenness, her own battles with perfectionism, and how God has ministered to her in the ways she helps raise media literacy on oft-controversial topics like homelessness and immigration.
In this episode of the CFWLA Podcast, McGregor chronicles his roundabout career journey, speaks to the impact educators can have through their work, and shares about ways he’s seeking to serve his fellow educators and students.
In this episode of the CFWLA Podcast, Chen shares a bit of his own story, makes a plea for Christians to lean into the messiness of risk, and speaks to what he’s learned about faith in his work as an entrepreneur.
In this episode of the CFWLA Podcast, Annie shares about her career-pivot, what following Jesus looks like in her life, how she’s navigating life as an entrepreneur, and how a theology of space can change a community.
In the inaugural episode of the CFWLA Podcast, Executive Director Steve Lindsey and Communications Director Gage Arnold sit down for a conversation on the hopes for this podcast, the theology that undergirds the conversations, and their own reflections on how this framework shapes all they do in their own work.