First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Please select which most accurately describes your ethnicity..
African American
American Indian or Alaska Native
Hispanic or Latino
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
Date of Birth
Current Age
Marital Status
Married with children
Mailing Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Number of Children
Four +
How regularly do you attend?
How long have you been at this church?
Are you a member of this church?
How did you hear about CFWLA?
Educational Background
Vocation Industry/Field
Current Employer
Title at work
Length of Current Employment
Main Responsibilities at Work
Tell us briefly how you became a Christian.
What experience(s), practice(s), and/or person(s) have most significantly influenced your Spiritual growth?
Explain the gospel in your own words.
What is the greatest trial, disappointment or struggle that you have faced in your life, and how did you respond?
What have been the most difficult issues regarding faith and work integration in your life?
What in your opinion are the pressing issues facing leaders in your sector or field of interest? How well are today's leaders addressing these issues?
Why are you interested in the Framework Fellows Program? What aspect of the Framework Fellows Program are you most excited about (theological education, spiritual formation, worldview understanding, vocational development)?
What drew you to LA? Or if you grew up in the area, why did you stay In Los Angeles?
What do you see yourself doing in 5-10 years, and what are some of your overall life goals?
List three books (other than the Bible) that have been most influential in your Christian growth?
List any church or ministry experiences with which you have been involved within the last five years. Please include years in parenthesis.
Comments (Optional)
(Anything else you feel we should know about to help us evaluate your eligibility for this program.)
Reference 1 - Name
(No immediate relatives; Non-Pacific Crossroads member applicants must submit a current church pastor, staff, or ministry leader as one of their two references.)
First Name
Last Name
Reference 1 - Email
Reference 1 - Relationship to Applicant
Reference 1 - Employer or Institution
Reference 2 - Name
(No immediate relatives; Non-Pacific Crossroads member applicants must submit a current church pastor, staff, or ministry leader as one of their two references.)
First Name
Last Name
Reference 2 - Email
Reference 2 - Relationship to Applicant
Reference 2 - Employer or Institution