This year during our Year-end Giving Campaign we have been sharing a few stories from CFWLA participants on how they have seen their vision of work, relationship with God, and overall outlook on their lives change as a result of their experience with CFWLA's programming.
We asked a series of questions and let everyone run with how they wanted to share their stories. Here's what we asked:
What were your expectations before the CFWLA event(s) you have attended? How did your vision of work change as a result?
What fruit are you seeing in your work after your experience at these events and how has your relationship with God changed as a result?
What CFWLA program elements have been helpful and easy to implement in your daily work?
Share a story from your work that was directly influenced by a CFWLA event.
As we go into 2024, what do you still want to see changed in your workplace or your outlook toward work?
Read on to hear these powerful testimonies from a few of our program attendees.
Coming out of my Christian high school and Christian college experiences, I didn't know how to relate to the larger world around me. I didn't get a "churchy" job after college, so most of my daily life felt extremely disconnected from my faith. I began to think that I would have to change paths and work for an explicitly Christian organization in order to feel like my work life had purpose. CFWLA's events have been extremely formative in my growth as a Christian and as a member of society.
“I am a co-laborer with God, helping to usher in foretastes of His kingdom.”
It was in the midst of this crisis that I came across CFWLA. I attended their Annual Conference that year, and it was so refreshing and eye-opening to see how I could see my work as working with God in the world to bring about kingdom change. I have referenced my notes from that conference over and over again.
Over the years since then, I have attended a number of CFWLA events and am now part of this year's Framework Fellows cohort. Framework has been extremely valuable in that the curriculum emphasizes heart transformation, not only intellectual growth. To live as a people with a transformed relationship to work, we must be a people with a transformed heart. It is out of that heart transformation that we do our work in service to God and others.
Having a renewed perspective on the integration of faith and work enables me to be at my workplace with eyes that are primed to see both the ways in which my work is inherently glorifying to God and where there is room for change. I am excited to each day arrive at work motivated by the knowledge that I am a co-laborer with God, helping to usher in foretastes of His kingdom.
As I continue on my faith and work journey, I hope to ever increase my reliance on God as I go about my work. It is such an amazing thing that He desires to enact His purposes in the world through us, but it can be tempting to give the praise to ourselves rather than back to Him. I know that the Framework Fellows program and the encouragement from my fellow cohort members will continue to help me grow in this direction next year.
What were your expectations before the Reimagining Work & 6-Week Course events (plus Framework so far!) you attended? How did your vision of work change as a result?
I honestly didn't have any expectations other than I would likely learn something and felt convicted that they were both things I should do. I've learned so much so far and really have a healthier view of what my work is and how it is part of God's plan for my life but not my identity.
What fruit are you seeing in your work after your experience at these events and how has your relationship with God changed as a result?
I think I've been able to react in more Christlike ways having been able to meditate more on why we work and what God thinks about our work. I've also been able to receive love more as a result of being able to let go of some wrong ways of looking at work.
What CFWLA program elements have been helpful and easy to implement in your daily work?
I think both curriculums were very approachable and are doable for a full-time worker.
As we go into 2024, what do you still want to see changed in your workplace or your outlook toward work?
I would like to continue growing in understanding my identity in Christ outside of work as I am currently unemployed and in a period of waiting for another job.
What were your expectations before the Annual Conference & 6-Week Course (and Framework so far!) you have attended? How did your vision of work change as a result?
Before the conference, I expected to get a high-level overview of the theology of work and a space to work it out in the context of my job. Having been part of Framework Fellows, I am now realizing that we are engaging in a deep biblical and systematic theological study on what it means to have faith in Christ and be formed into his image. Such study and reflection have helped me see that the work God has given me will be done with faithfulness as I abide in Christ.
What fruit are you seeing in your work after your experience at these events and how has your relationship with God changed as a result?
I have yet to apply my theological learnings directly in my work. However, I see that my faith in and knowledge of God is becoming more grounded and rich.
What CFWLA program elements have been helpful and easy to implement in your daily work?
The readings and reflection questions are playing a crucial role in my spiritual formation. I believe such development is starting to color the way I view my faith and work.
Share a story from your work that was directly influenced by a CFWLA event.
John Daly's testimony at the CFWLA Gala of practicing faithful presence to his clients was very encouraging. I hope to be faithful in my work and sensitive to such promptings by the Spirit when he calls.
As we go into 2024, what do you still want to see changed in your workplace or your outlook toward work?
I hope to see that my work and my team are formed by the power of the gospel. From our meetings to services to culture, it is my prayer that our endeavors reflect Christ's love, justice, mercy, grace, and hope to all that God leads us to.
What were your expectations before Framework Fellows? How did your vision of work change as a result?
I expected to be educated theologically, but I thought it would all have specifically to do with "work." I was surprised to find that the Fellowship has a much more holistic approach. The program starts at the very beginning, literally in Genesis. We are trained theologically, strengthening the foundation of our understanding of God, and how he designed people. After only three months, my understanding of the purpose of work has been radically re-aligned. Our purpose is not to simply "be Christians" in our workplace, but to be a vessel representing and magnifying God in all that we do, as image bearers. To do this, we must have a much deeper understanding of who God is, and how he affects that change in us through the sanctification of the Holy Spirit.
What fruit are you seeing in your work after your experience at these events and how has your relationship with God changed as a result?
I have begun to understand much more deeply that not only does our work worship God and bring Him glory, but that our work is in itself how we follow after God. Our work is so much more important than we realize: God crafted each one of us for the specific work he prepared in advance for us to do. This means the world, and other people, need us to accomplish our work to the best of our ability, for God's glory, because He is accomplishing something through this. This change in perspective has caused me to take my work much more seriously because it is not only something that provides income or something that I enjoy: it is sacred.
I now approach work much differently; I am not accomplishing tasks in a day as one who checks off items on a list. Instead, all of my work is a step forward building towards the great work which God has given me to do. There is a higher purpose, a bigger vision that God is accomplishing through me that I barely understand. However, the glimpses I catch are astonishing. My experiences in the fellowship have shifted the central focus of my work (from myself or the world) to God.
The program has also significantly strengthened my relationship with God through the understanding that He and I are collaborating and co-creating when I join Him in the process of work. Due to this collaboration, I have also experienced such peace and protection. Since I am working for Him and not myself, I know I am following His timing, He guides my path, He protects me along the journey, and He provides everything I need to accomplish the work, such as strength, energy, mental clarity, inspiration, grace, and physical & financial resources.
Framework Fellows disciples us into a different way of walking with God in our work. This is accomplished through teaching theology and growing within us a deeper understanding and love for God, growing within us a kingdom mindset and heart.
What CFWLA program elements have been helpful and easy to implement in your daily work?
I am regularly reading the devotions and theological texts assigned in the program. However, I also find myself praying much more before work and throughout the day. I ask for God's favor, that he would guide my path, and that I would accomplish what needs to be done. My attention is turning more and more to how my work is meant to bless and serve other people.
“My understanding of who God is, and the importance of His call, has deepened.”
Share a story from your work that was directly influenced by a CFWLA event.
I moved to LA over a year ago to write for TV. After starting the Framework Fellowship, I finally came to the point of acknowledging that God was calling me to direct. I have since decided to write and direct fourteen short films in the next year. This is a massive undertaking that will require a tremendous amount of work, learning, and risk. However, my understanding of who God is, and the importance of His call, has deepened. This has strengthened my ability to step out in faith and obey exactly where I hear God leading me.
To my shock, the second I accepted the call, people and resources came from out of nowhere to help me live out this mission. God has been opening doors so fast I can hardly keep up. I already have two short scripts written and cast, with the filming dates on the calendar and the locations locked in. I have the premise for the other twelve films roughed out and I start writing those in the next few weeks. Many people, actors, DPs, and friends have offered to help me accomplish this crazy goal of 14 shorts in the next year. I am having so much.
As we go into 2024, what do you still want to see changed in your workplace or your outlook toward work?
I want to let God continue to challenge my vision of what He's doing in my life. I want greater courage to step into the adventures (which seem impossible) that He is calling me into. I still have fear that I won't be able to make ends meet, that I will go into debt, that I won't learn the things I need to learn to accomplish this project with excellence, that I will somehow miss the best God has for me, and I want to let all of that go and walk boldly in faith.
I want God to continue working on my heart towards others, both to let go of the fear of man and people-pleasing, and to grow a heart of greater love, patience, forgiveness, and grace for others. As God is calling me to be a director, I want to see Him give me more of His heart so that I can love, serve, and act with wisdom, vision, and confidence as He does. Finally, I want God to work intimately and powerfully in the stories I tell, to heal, minister, convict, encourage, and empower those who receive my work.
What were your expectations before the Reimagining Work & Annual Conference events (plus Framework so far!) you attended? How did your vision of work change as a result?
I did have very high expectations for the Framework Fellows course since it came so highly recommended by people I really respect. With all honesty, I'd say the course, so far, has exceeded my expectations across the board. My vision of work began to change since the first reading and the first group retreat. I remember reading the first few articles and attending the first group retreat, and somehow God seemed to grow bigger and greater! My closeness to Him has become enhanced, and I'm able to see and enjoy more of His greatness.
What fruit are you seeing in your work after your experience at these events and how has your relationship with God changed as a result?
Before the course, I had a difficult time bringing God into my work practically. I'm beginning to see how He is involved in everything I do and am gaining the ability to allow Him to participate in my work actively on a daily basis.
What CFWLA program elements have been helpful and easy to implement in your daily work?
The reading material from the Framework Fellow's course (paired with the group discussions we have) is spot on, in my opinion. It's been showing me so much of what God does through us in our work.
Share a story from your work that was directly influenced by a CFWLA event.
While composing the music for a film project recently I received a mountain of revision notes from the director, all the while things were a bit hectic since deadlines were fast approaching. This kind of situation is known to create a lot of stress for the music team that's working on a movie. One of the first places my mind went to was knowing that God was involved in every detail of this project, which led me to be overcome with a sense of peace. Nothing really changed about the amount of work I had to do in a short period of time, but my disposition was different. Something that equipped me to look to God for all aspects of my work and to understand what He expects of me has come through reading "Creation Regained" by Albert M. Wolters.
As we go into 2024, what do you still want to see changed in your workplace or your outlook toward work?
I have the sense that I have an appetizer of what God's call is for us through our work and vocation. I'm looking forward to diving deeper into that next year and, to finding more and more practical ways to line up the gifts God has given me with the work opportunities He has brought my way. Additionally, I have gained a theoretical understanding of the intersection of my faith and my work but I'm looking forward to putting some of the things I learned to practical use.