Lilly Hugo Joins Team CFWLA — Center for Faith + Work Los Angeles

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Lilly Hugo Joins Team CFWLA

The Center for Faith + Work Los Angeles is delighted to welcome Lilly Hugo to the team. Lilly will be serving as our Operations Manager. Below are a few questions we asked to allow you to get to know Lilly better as she steps into this new role at CFWLA.

Lilly is originally from Baltimore, MD, and has lived in Los Angeles for 8 years. After studying Business Administration at Fordham University in New York City, Lilly has historically worked in the marketing and entertainment world. She enjoys comedy, fashion, pickleball, dancing at weddings, and snuggling with her cross-eyed cat, Milo. Lilly is active at Collective Church and has served there throughout her time in LA. She will be using her grade-A extroversion to connect with individuals and churches in LA around the intersection of work & faith, in addition to helping CFWLA with operational needs

What are ways that you see the Lord at work in your daily work now?

My previous roles have been largely people/client-focused and allowed me to meet all kinds of people from different walks of life. Understanding how these daily interactions have the power to shine a light onto someone's day or do the opposite gives me a unique responsibility to steward my work well and to lean on God's strength. I'm excited to further grasp the vast vision God has for my work beyond this area through working with CFWLA.

What appealed to you about the mission of CFWLA?

Working for God's glory is something I've always cared deeply about, though I'm not sure I've ever fully understood how to do it well.

I participated in CFWLA's 6-week course this summer, and it vastly elevated my curiosity and passion for God's will for the Christian worker. I know so many Christians who feel their work is futile, but one of CFWLA's principal teachings is that God does NOT have a futile vision for this part of our lives where we spend the majority of our time. I'm excited to learn more and help lift others up in this area.

What makes you most excited about the future direction of CFWLA?

CFWLA believes that, as more people are aligned with God's vision for their work, we will see our city change for the better. As people understand their purpose in the workplace, lives change - not just the individual, but those they interact with directly at work, their family, and the clients, vendors, and consumers of their work. It's a trickle that can turn into a storm, and I can't wait to be a small part of it.