What does the gospel have to do with fashion? Does our appearance have any theological significance? Is there a Christian approach to dress? These questions and more were tackled by Fashion Theology author Robert Covolo during his keynote talk as part of our Reimagining Work: Fashion in LA event a few weeks ago.
What's Behind Humanity's Thirst for Style?
A Prayer for the Economy and Our Work
Four Guideposts for Approaching Your Work in Light of COVID-19
Webinar: A Gospel Response to COVID-19 Work Disruption with Missy Wallace + Chris Neal
This webinar features Global Faith & Work Initiative Vice President and Executive Director Missy Wallace and Center for Vocational Ministry at Azusa Pacific University Director of the Youth Leadership Chris Neal offering insights into forming a gospel response to COVID-19 work disruption on July 1, 2020.
Webinar: Rehearsing the New Creation Through Work with Doug McKelvey
When Work Feels Like Rearranging Furniture on the Titanic
Seeking to Listen, Lament, and Learn
Webinar: Faith + Work Importance in Challenging Times with Scott Rae
Grief, Hope, and Work in a Time of Pandemic
A Prayer for the Recently Unemployed
Biblical Guideposts for Navigating the Firing of an Employee
Wise leaders, using biblical wisdom, know that it is critical to first remove the notion that the workplace is a sphere isolated from one’s spiritual life. The tough daily decisions we make at work are never just business. Many biblical principles directly apply to our workplace interactions, such as the Golden Rule (Matt. 7:12), in treating others as we wish to be treated, loving those who behave badly toward us (Matt. 5:44), or dealing justly and fairly to those under us (Col. 4:1).