Here, we share a response and prayer for those impacted by the devastating fires in Los Angeles. Join us in lifting up the first responders, those who have suffered loss, and the community as they navigate this challenging time, praying that God’s grace and provision will be evident in the midst of darkness.
The Power of Hope: Advent at Work
Advent is the season leading up to the birth of Christ. During this season Christians are called to enter a posture of hopeful anticipation as they re-enter the long-expected arrival of the Messiah. This is a season of hope—a season where we experience the power of anticipation. But Advent is not unique to the Christmas season. And hope is not merely a driver for religious people. The truth is, we are all narrative creatures living with desired outcomes (“hopes”) and, whether we see it or not, these hopes are the engines that drive our lives.
Continue reading as Robert Covolo illustrates why we should reflect on the power of hope this Advent season.
Year-End Giving Campaign: God is at Work
This year’s Year-End Giving Campaign highlights stories from CFWLA participants who have experienced profound transformation through our programming. These stories reveal how their vision of work, relationship with God, and outlook on life have been renewed.
We invited participants to reflect on their journey and share how they see God at work—both in their workplaces and in the larger story He’s writing in the world. Each week we will be adding a new testimony.
A Prayer for Public Servants
Reimagining Work Vol. 12: Public Policy in Greater LA Round-Up
Labor Day Rest
Labor Day is seen by most Angelinos as the last gasp of summer; a three-day weekend serving as summer’s conclusion—the bookend to Memorial Day’s launch of summer. It is well known that Memorial Day honors those who died in the armed forces defending our country, but less is known about the significance of Labor Day. Is it a secular holiday—a materialist nod to the role workers play in building the economic prosperity of the United States? Or should we include Labor Day among holidays Christians take note of?
Read on to hear more as Robert Covolo explores why Christians have good reason to enter Labor Day with celebration.
Introducing the 2024-25 Class of Framework Fellows
A Prayer for Students
2024 CFWLA Annual Banquet Round-Up
The Myth of Work-Life Balance
I’m just coming out of a very intensive season of work with many overlapping activities and needs. We recently experienced several mountaintop-like signs of God’s goodness and fruitfulness through our work this past year with great encouragement. Included in all this, however, is a sense of exhaustion and burnout. I need to slow way down, reflect, get some deep rest, experience beauty and joy, be with family and friends, and listen well to what God is calling me to in the coming season.
Read on to hear more as Steve Lindsey explores why work-life balance is a myth we mistakenly chase.
2024 Annual Faith + WorK Conference Round-Up
Working with the Risen Christ
Easter is upon us. For many Americans, Easter means little more than bunnies, candy eggs, and Sunday brunch with the family. For those of faith, Easter is a day to dress up for church and celebrate Jesus rising from the dead. In short—for believers and unbelievers alike—Easter is associated with Sunday. But what does Easter tell us about our Monday? In other words, does Easter inform our work life?
Read on to hear more as Robert Covolo explores the picture the Gospel of John is offering us of what it means to live as followers of the risen Christ at our work.